Is defold suitable as the first engine for a newbie?

Good day! My name is Eugene, and I am from Russia, so please forgive me in advance for my superficial knowledge of English.
I am 15 years old and I would like to develop games. I have no programming experience or creating games. Therefore, I would like to know if Defold is suitable for me as the first engine. What do you think?
And if you think that I can still study here, can you share a step by step guide with me? Thank you in advance!


Hi @Dexxxle ! Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

In my opinion Defold is definitely a great choice to start with but it also depends on what kind of games you want to make. Both 2D and 3D games can be made with Defold but 2D has better support.

A good place to start with are the tutorials made by the Defold team which should get you started quite easily:

There are several sites where you can learn Lua and can be found here: Big List of Lua Resources!

There are also a couple of video tutorials by the Defold team:

A crash course by GameFromScratch:


I think Defold is a pretty good way to start too. If you are completely new to programming I would start by learning some programming basics—variables, operators, functions, control flow, iterators, etc. I think if you understand those clearly in the beginning, you will save yourself a lot of trouble and time later. Maybe try this video series? Basics & Variables, Control Flow, Functions, and Iteration. (This may not be the best series out there, just the first decent one I could find) Also read Defold’s Lua manual a lot.

Doing one of the official Defold tutorials (amel linked above) step-by-step is a good way to learn how Defold works in general and get a feel for the workflow.

I’m also a big fan of the Defold Examples. Each one is very simple, teaches you one specific thing, is interactive or at least animated, and explains what almost every line of code does.


Thank you very much!


so defold is beginner friendly for almost new people to programming right?

Lua is a great first programming language to learn.