Hey there … pretty new to Defold, just jumped the Unity ship (got there from the Love2D boat) and I am really loving Defold! Here’s a GIF of my efforts at making a 2.5D action-adventure thing so far:
I have many questions, but I’ll start with this one:
I am using go.animate to move my critters around (not the player, just the NPCs). At the moment if I want, for example, my octo-creature to take a flying leap at the player, I use two animations of the y-coordinate: one to leap into the air, the second to fall to the ground: the first uses EASING_INSINE to the apex of the parabolic path, then EASING_OUTSINE to accelerate back to the ground.
My question: is there a simple way to use just one animation to cover the entire parabolic path? I know I could use an INOUT easing and take the first derivative, I think … something like that. It may be obvious and I’m just missing it.
The method I’m using (two chained animations) is fine, I was just wondering if there was a simpler way.
I’m happy to be joining the Defold community! Definitely going to spread the word.