Ignore option for "Internal files were placed under version control"

Ignore option for “Internal files were placed under version control”

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe (REQUIRED):
I added my build outputs to version control at the request of a team member who wants to make a Windows installer; this seemed the easiest way to keep him up to date on the latest builds. But Defold now gives the “Internal files were placed under version control” dialog every time I open the project.

Describe the solution you’d like (REQUIRED):
I would like a checkbox added to the “Internal files were placed under version control” dialog to let Defold know that it is intended for these files to be placed under version control. If it were to remember the files and show the dialog in the event that new internal files were added to version control, that would be fine; I just don’t want it to show the dialog every time for the same files that are there by intent.

Describe alternatives you’ve considered (REQUIRED):
I’ve checked whether there is any type of setting in the editor to ignore certain files for this check, but haven’t found any. I considered looking for extensions that already make Windows installers, but my team member says he can make something real quick; besides which, I can see other cases in which build distribution via version control might make sense.

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It’s usually not recommended to add build folders to version control. That’s why there’s a warning I guess (I wasn’t aware we had a warning for that).

Can’t you copy the relevant files (ie the exe and game archive etc) to a shared folder or something? Feels more reasonable than checking in all build output.