Ideal Editor Scaling Mechanism and Operation

A tender suggestion on how to make scaling better.

Handle opposite that being scaled/dragged to act as anchor for scaling operation.

Corners default to proportional scaling, mid-points stretch scaling in their axis of movement.

Holding [shift] as modifier places origin of scaling operation/activity at centre of object (like After Effects and 3D apps default behaviour).
Semantics: shifting the origin, hence hold “shift” key to shift origin.

Holding [alt] as modifier forces disproportional scaling from corners and proportional scaling from mid-point anchors (the inverse of their behaviour when not holding the [alt] modifier down.
Semantics: alternative behaviour of scaling handles, hence [alt] key to change scaling behaviour.

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This is something for @Ragnar_Svensson, @Ragnar_Dahlen and @Erik_Angelin