I learned lua, but can't make anything

I watched a lua crash course, some almost 2 hour one on YouTube, practiced it, I can say I can definitely use it. But I just can’t make anything in defold. Is there a puzzle piece missing? I’m not sure

I think you need to more specific in your question, what have you tried and what exactly are you struggling with?

I watched courses like this one to understand how defold work :

Defold Tutorial #1 – Installation and Overview

It’s a cool series in english.

In French, you have this one :

DEFOLD #1 Présentation du projet

Remember to put Dark/Polar Ambient music.

Of course something is missing…

Go through this guide:
Defold and LUA API documentation.

Finally there are the Defold Examples:

In them you will be able to understand the operation of defold and the application of the Lua language, compare what you learned and what is written in these examples, it will be easier for you to be clear about what you want to do.