HTML5 render incorrect sprite from spritelist

all in one spritelist

do clean from bob … nothing is changed

What can i do to find out the problem?
Thanks! )

Make sure that the tanks have a z value which is higher than the ground. If both the ground and tanks have the same z-value the behaviour will not be consistent. Sometimes the tanks will end up below the ground, other times not.

This issue should be fixed in Defold 1.6.4
Please, update Defold to the latest version.


now i cant run project at all by pressing cmd+b
crash log:

> INFO:DLIB: Log server started on port 62959
> INFO:ENGINE: Target listening with name: Mihas-MacBook-Pro.local - - Darwin
> INFO:ENGINE: Engine service started on port 62960
> INFO:GRAPHICS: Installed graphics device 'ADAPTER_FAMILY_OPENGL'
> INFO:ENGINE: Defold Engine 1.6.4 (4d724d9)
> INFO:DLIB: Initialized Remotery (ws://
> INFO:ENGINE: Loading data from: build/default
> INFO:ENGINE: Initialised sound device 'default'
> INFO:CRASH: Successfully wrote Crashdump to file: /Users/mihafin/Library/Application Support/Defold/_crash
> ERROR:CRASH: 0   dmengine                            0x00000001027f4bd0 _ZN7dmCrash7OnCrashEi + 104
> ERROR:CRASH: 1   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x000000019000ba24 _sigtramp + 56
> ERROR:CRASH: 2   dmengine                            0x000000010262bc38 _ZN12dmGameSystem16AcquireResourcesEPNS_14PhysicsContextEPN10dmResource16SResourceFactoryEPKvjPNS_23CollisionObjectResourceEPKc + 1216
> ERROR:CRASH: 3   dmengine                            0x000000010262bf50 _ZN12dmGameSystem24ResCollisionObjectCreateERKN10dmResource20ResourceCreateParamsE + 88
> ERROR:CRASH: 4   dmengine                            0x00000001025f27d0 _ZN10dmResourceL16DoCreateResourceEPNS_16SResourceFactoryEPNS_13SResourceTypeEPKcS5_yPvjPS6_ + 184
> ERROR:CRASH: 5   dmengine                            0x00000001025f2d34 _ZN10dmResource3GetEPNS_16SResourceFactoryEPKcPPv + 788
> ERROR:CRASH: 6   dmengine                            0x00000001025ec92c _ZN12dmGameObjectL16AcquireResourcesEPN10dmResource16SResourceFactoryEPNS_8RegisterEPN15dmGameObjectDDF13PrototypeDescEPNS_9PrototypeEPKc + 284
> ERROR:CRASH: 7   dmengine                            0x00000001025ec5a8 _ZN12dmGameObjectL19ResGameObjectCreateERKN10dmResource20ResourceCreateParamsE + 96
> ERROR:CRASH: 8   dmengine                            0x00000001025f27d0 _ZN10dmResourceL16DoCreateResourceEPNS_16SResourceFactoryEPNS_13SResourceTypeEPKcS5_yPvjPS6_ + 184
> ERROR:CRASH: 9   dmengine                            0x00000001025f2d34 _ZN10dmResource3GetEPNS_16SResourceFactoryEPKcPPv + 788
> ERROR:CRASH: 10  dmengine                            0x00000001025ebe3c _ZN12dmGameObjectL16AcquireResourcesEPKcPN10dmResource16SResourceFactoryEPNS_8RegisterEPN15dmGameObjectDDF14CollectionDescES1_PPNS_16CollectionHandleE + 396
> ERROR:CRASH: 11  dmengine                            0x00000001025eb9d8 _ZN12dmGameObjectL19ResCollectionCreateERKN10dmResource20ResourceCreateParamsE + 52
> ERROR:CRASH: 12  dmengine                            0x00000001025f27d0 _ZN10dmResourceL16DoCreateResourceEPNS_16SResourceFactoryEPNS_13SResourceTypeEPKcS5_yPvjPS6_ + 184
> ERROR:CRASH: 13  dmengine                            0x00000001025f2d34 _ZN10dmResource3GetEPNS_16SResourceFactoryEPKcPPv + 788
> ERROR:CRASH: 14  dmengine                            0x000000010258c020 _ZN8dmEngine4InitEPNS_6EngineEiPPc + 7872
> ERROR:CRASH: 15  dmengine                            0x000000010258cf68 _Z14dmEngineCreateiPPc + 172
> ERROR:CRASH: 16  dmengine                            0x000000010258dbb8 _ZN8dmEngine7RunLoopEPKNS_13RunLoopParamsE + 84
> ERROR:CRASH: 17  dmengine                            0x000000010258dab4 _Z11engine_mainiPPc + 88
> ERROR:CRASH: 18  dyld                                0x000000018fc610e0 start + 2360

it looks similar to this issue Collision object crash. · Issue #8536 · defold/defold · GitHub


Thanks a lot! Everything now is ok! :+1: