HTML5 application doesn't work as it should

Hi there, I’m having problems with de HTML5 application.
Here in the game when you press “J” you start charching, and on release the player charges to smash a rock. But, you shouldn’t be able to move around while you are holding the “J” key.
In windows version works fine but as you can test here: , you press “J” and you still can move.
What can be causing this difference?

EDIT: just fixed it, a friend of mine gave me a clue and with a little adjust in my code just got fixed. Anyways, I can see why my code was doing that, but I also find intersting how code works different in PC version and web browser.

Without knowing specifically what was wrong I would guess that this is caused by the fact that the input handling differs between platforms. The input events we receive are probably slightly different between the browser and what we get from Windows.

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Yes, I will have this in mind for future events. :muscle: