How to solve this animation state issue?

Hello all,

I hope that you all are well! I have run into some issues while animating my character’s movement. As of right now, the code is:

if action_id == hash("left") then
	facingleft = true
	facingright = false
	if action.pressed and facingleft and onground then"#sprite", "play_animation", { id = hash("run") })
	if action.released and onground then"#sprite", "play_animation", { id = hash("idle") })

if action_id == hash("jump") then
	jumping = true
	onground = false
	if action.pressed then"#sprite", "play_animation", { id = hash("jumping") })

The problem with this is, if the player presses jump and left/right at the same time, and lands without releasing left/right, then the character gets stuck in the idle animation. This is, until left/right is released, and clicked again.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

If I poorly explained this, please let me know!


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The problem is that you probably do not have any check for the situation when you land on the ground, in which you could set a proper animation - is it true? When you set onground to true?

Also, in first if you set facingleft to true and then you check for this in next if - it’s not needed.

Hey, thanks for the response!

I’m taking a look at my project and I think the onground variable is checked for. It is set to true when platypus returns GROUND_CONTACT.

The issue arises when only when I overlap inputs, like hold jump and left at the same time. If I were to release left once the character had landed, It works find from there. I will take a look into onground through, I’m sure I may have tripped up somewhere!

Also, thanks for this tid bit!


Oh! I found the issue, I was not registering the separate inputs properly, thanks so much for your help!

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Hello, I hope that everyone is doing well.

Recently I have run into another issue similar to the issues previously covered in this topic.

When pressing the right arrow key, the character moves right, as it should. Without letting go of the right arrow key, I press the attack button. After the attack animation is complete, it gets stuck on the “idle” animation, even though I am still holding the right arrow key. (attached is a video demonstration).

	if action_id == ATTACK then
	attackpause = true
	sprite.play_flipbook("#sprite", "attack", function()
		attackpause = false

I am using platypus self.input_state to control movement as well as the animations.

	local ground_contact = self.platypus.has_ground_contact()
if self.input_state[LEFT] then 
	self.platypus.left(ground_contact and 250 or 250)
	play_animation(self, ground_contact and ANIM_RUN or ANIM_JUMP)
	sprite.set_hflip("#sprite", true)
elseif self.input_state[RIGHT] then
	self.platypus.right(ground_contact and 250 or 250)
	play_animation(self, ground_contact and ANIM_RUN or ANIM_JUMP)
	sprite.set_hflip("#sprite", false)
	play_animation(self, ground_contact and ANIM_IDLE or ANIM_JUMP)

I think the issue might be routed in the above code, the last else statement where it plays the idle animation but I’m not sure what to do to fix it…

Any help would be appreciated, thanks so much!