How to simulate the impulse effect on a kinematic character body?

hi guys, i know for a character body i need to use kinematic body to get the full control of the rigidy body.

but, when i need to do some effect, for example, a boomb exploded, and i need to react to that event, how can i blow my character away?

dynamically change my character’s body type as dynamic and once it hits the floor then change it back to kinematic type?


This is one option. But even with a kinematic body you could in your own code assign it a velocity and apply gravity, air resistance and ground friction each frame. The math is not that complicated really.

oh man, that’s complicated for me lol, i’m shit on math…
but anyway thank you very much, i’ll try the first way first to see if it works,
hope there won’t be any unexepected behaviours. otherwise i have to try the second way which i’m not good on. :neutral_face: