Sublime text is one of my favorites and I tried to pair it with Defold. I have tried an autocomplete package named as “LuaExtended” but Defold namespaces are not recognized by luacheck which makes linting annoying. I will try to emmylua annotation generator for lua but I do not know how can ı handle extensions. Is there another package for sublime that does bring these features? If not how can I handle autocomplete for extensions.
I’m using lsp-lua along with defold-annotations. Additionally, I use dmSDK with LSP-clangd. This setup is more than enough for me.
Defold extensions are relatively small, and their API is easy to remember. I don’t use anything additional for them.
What kind of extensions do you mean?
If you are talking about Lua-based extensions, as far as I know, the only way to do it by downloading and putting them in the project folder manually. Then, lsp-lua can handle the rest.
For C/C++ extensions, I don’t know a solution.
I am worried about native extensions, I do put proxy lua files for native extensions to expose them to autocomplete but I am actually worried if native extensions mass up in build process if I do not put them with Defolds extension system. Would that be the case?