Hi, I’m trying to figure out how to save a table (the player’s inventory) with save.sys(), but I keep running into this error:
ERROR:SCRIPT: player/inventory.gui_script:136: keys in table must be of type number or string (found table)
stack traceback:
[C]:-1: in function save
player/inventory.gui_script:136: in function <player/inventory.gui_script:112>
I saw in another post that save.sys() should be able to save an entire table, but it seems every time I try I get this error. I’ve been trying it like this:
local savefile_path = sys.get_save_file("MyGame", "inventory")
local listedInventory = {}
local inventory = {}
local items_list = {
[101] = {
name = "coffee",
id = 101,
qty = 0
[102] = {
name = "soda",
id = 102,
qty = 0
[103] = {
name = "tea",
id = 103,
qty = 0
local function rcv_item(item_id, add_qty)
local item = items_list[item_id]
item.qty = item.qty + add_qty
if not listedInventory[item] then
table.insert(inventory, item)
listedInventory[item] = true
inventory[item] = item
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("rcv_item_info") then
rcv_item(message.item_info[1], message.item_info[2])
sys.save(savefile_path, inventory)--THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR IS
I just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I would really appreciate if someone could point it out. Thank you!