I just want to smooth rotate for the circle node SplashLoading of the my loading screen
I asked GPTChat then edit his code:
local function animate_rotate_clockwise(node)
local degrees = 180 -- количество градусов поворота
local duration = 1.0 -- длительность анимации в секундах
local end_rotation = math.rad(degrees) -- конечный угол поворота
gui.animate(node, "rotation", vmath.quat_rotation_z(end_rotation), gui.EASING_LINEAR, duration, 0, nil, gui.PLAYBACK_LOOP_FORWARD)
But I have bouncy half-rotation (I need full rotation…)
Sorry for the live video from camera…
I think this because the target property value is quaternion… idk… I’ve tried different variants for parameter of to
to solve it.