How to properly implement "set_time_step"?

(GUI object)
{...}":/main#main", "set_time_step", {factor = 0, mode = 1})

If I understood correctly, instead of proxy it is required to insert the root script of the collection, in this case it is main, inside of which there is a go with the name main. Can you please explain what I am doing wrong? Believing the guide and example from britzl ( I have to stop the game, but nothing happens.


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Assuming your main collection is called “main” try this to pause:"main:/main", "set_time_step", {factor = 0, mode = 0})

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You can only send that event to the collection proxy component.

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Then how do you change the time step for the current collection?

But how do you send it? I am a relative newbie to programming I have a slight misunderstanding of proxy and how it works. Can you tell me where to send this message or how to find the sending address ?

You can only change the “current” collection, if it is in fact loaded by a collection proxy.
Documentation: Collection proxy manual


You should see the url of the collection proxy in the editor.
A common way to debug the url of a game object, is to add a script to it, and in that script, in the init() function, add a debug print:

function init(self):
    print("URL", msg.url()) -- the url to this script

Knowing that url, you can figure out how to construct your other url.


Thank you so much for your tips and explanations. (I did it !)