How to make tilesource collisions follow the tilesource block division?

This is my first try of making a game for myself and I wanted to do the player collide with glass blocks. I was sucessful on doing this, but for some reason the collision area of the tilemap doesn’t math the tilemap itself. Idk why, but this does not happens with collisions on y axis, just on x ones.

I thought at first this was a bug in my script or an error on the player collision bux, but enabling debug, I can see it isn’t: it’s actually something to do with the tilesource/tilemap collision.

Notice that the tilesource’s collision file matches it’s image source.

Could someone help me pls? What could be happening and how to solve this?

It may be that the tilemap game object itself, or one of its parents, have a scale other than 1, or is rotated?

Yeah, you were right: the scale of map was was less than 1. Didn’t know that it could cause problems with collision’s shapes. Thanks a lot!

I’ve done that to make the camera have more field of view. How could I do it though without changing tilemap’s size? Tried resizing it in the main.collection file but it seems to do not work.

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You could do that by using a camera and rotating that instead. I’d recommend Rendy because it handles 2D and 3D well, ortho or perspective. All you need to do is manipulate the Rendy game object to set the angle of the camera.