How to make auto generated tilesource collision shape more precise ?

I made some basic shapes for map editor using tilesource, but when I use the image for collision, the shaped generated is far from what i expected.

I changed the resolution of the image , but it doesn’t change anything.
so can I specify the max count of point of the convex hull or the radius min for the algorithm of the convex hull generation ? or some solution else? Thanks!

I think these use to be much more precise. They probably changed something to reduce the amount of geometry?

I opened up an old platformer project I remember these being closer… easiest way to check would be to download old version of editor if it’s possible to get.

You should upload the tiles you are using so team can potentially use them to tune better collision geometry generation.

Thanks for your suggestion. I hope there will be some parameters which can be edited by user to ctrl the feature.

and i wish auto shape generation will use trianglated concave hull as well.
something like this

To my knowledge, we haven’t changed anything on this front.

Wasn’t there some change related to water tight collision shapes a long time ago? Maybe had unintended consequences.

Yes, but those are two separate systems, and also pipeline vs runtime.
Don’t think it should have altered the polygon generation.
But perhaps it’s something image related, since it scans the pixels.

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so…any suggestion for my situation? with the image that i post ?

got the same situation here, I assume there haven’t been any updates on this?

if it’s needed I’ve got these as my shapes (I’ve already tried using the same image as the tile source, same effect)
Tile Sheet
Runner Platforms (64Hx64W)
Collision Shapes
Runner Platform Collisions (64Hx64W) (1)

Is there still no progress on this? Should this be reported as a bug?

Your best bet while you wait is to use a different image for your collisions and edit it to finesse the auto generated collision shapes so it’s closer to what you need.

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So it is being worked on? Just want to be sure

I actually couldn’t find anything about this in the issues on github, so if you want to make one, that would be good.

I did find this: Ability to assign to every tile in tilesource .convexshape file, which actually seems like a better solution, though it would require some kind of new interface in the editor I think, and isn’t likely to happen.

I highly doubt it’s being worked on. I suspect that most people just don’t use this feature, and make their own collision separately from the tilemap.


I guess that makes sense, though for me I’m trying to procedurally generate levels and the only workarounds I can think of would be pretty slow
