How to make animate in gui

Hello everyone, I am new to defold
I want to develop a game that includes a health bar and make it to gradually decrease to a certain length when the player is injured.

Since I want the health bar to be pinned to the game screen without being affected by the camera, I have set the health bar in the GUI.

I wanted to test reducing the health bar by half, but unfortunately, the entire health bar decreased until it disappeared. What is wrong with my code?



function init(self)
	local healthbar_node = gui.get_node("bar")
	local size = gui.get_size(healthbar_node)
	gui.animate(healthbar_node, "scale.x", gui.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD,0.5, go.EASING_INOUTSINE)

If I don’t place the health bar in the GUI but put it in a go, using the following script works successfully. However, placing it in the GUI is unsuccessful.

go.animate("go#health_bar", "scale.x", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, 0.5, go.EASING_INOUTSINE, 1)

What did I do wrong? Thank you.

You better recheck the gui.animate api params to find out. It’s not the same params order with go

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Thank you for reply



