How to launch the game on an iPhone


I am trying hard to understand how can I launch my game in my iPhone in order to debug the experience on it.

When I go to this article it says:

Follow the instructions in the iOS manual to bundle for iOS. Make sure to select Debug as variant!

Then I went to that page, followed the instructions, I got an .ipa file that I can’t manage to install. I followed the rest of the tutorial expecting that at some point I would have directions on how to install it, but at the end I found that the last part is only to create a splash screen.

So, how can I run the game on the iPhone? In Android it’s very easy, but I can’t understand how to do it properly on iOS.

Many thanks.

This thread has some options that might work for you:

This thread has some options that might work for you:

Thanks for the answer. I have tried the command line tool, I’m getting the following error:

The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.

It seems like I am not signing the app correctly, I’m doing it via standard managed signing in XCode, just like I do with my other iOS apps. Then from that app I generate the mobile.embbededprovision file just like the docs says and then use it to bundle the app within Defold…

You don’t need to use Xcode at all (it might be valid to do that, but I don’t know how)
Create and download a ‘development’ provisioning profile at and specify that in the Defold window when creating the bundle.

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Make sure you set the bundle identifier in your game.project file. I’ve noticed that not doing this can lead to weird errors. Also make sure you haven’t used up your weekly limit of bundle identifiers if you don’t have an Apple developer account.

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