How to host HTML bundle from (SOLVED)

How do I host my HTML build from my server? Can it be done from a Python3

Yes, but that is command line. How can I do it from file/make it executable on run so that I can host it from a repl? Or how can I set up my existing Node webserver to handle it?

No idea, never done this. I’m actually not entirely sure what “host it from a repl” means. Can tell us a bit more? Share a link?

I meant to make an executable file which launches the HTML server. is a free hosting service for executables of all programming languages as webpages

No idea how to do that. Someone must surely have tried that already.

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.replit “run = “python3 -m http.server””

that was easy, but it does not launch. You can visit the attempt at (hosted by repl so always online)
and you can see my setup at which has all the code, and you can fork if necessary

Why are you doing it this way? Why not just upload the files to a web server, perhaps GitHub Pages? Uploading to a server to run a server to serve the files is one additional layer of complexity that you don’t really need.

1 Like let’s me proxy to me heart’s desire for whatever reason, so I can have more control over stuff. It is more for educational and experimentation than production.

I’m afraid I don’t know how to solve your problem. What do you mean by

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I figured it out with help from the community, the solution was the
.replit "run = python3 -m http.server"
which makes start the http server to host the game. is kind of like a free hosting platform that runs programs and scripts on dedicated vms. I wanted to host my defold game from my account so that I could keep game scripts hidden. The way that hosts it’s programs is by executing one file, and so I was looking for a way to make the server executable, but I found that a .replit could make it run the given command after spinning up the vm, so it ran the http server and hosted the game as intended.

I’m sorry for causing confusion.