I am new to Defold and Druid, and am struggling on how to implement the examples.
For example druid/example/examples/basic/scroll/scroll.lua at develop · Insality/druid · GitHub and the corresponding druid/example/examples/basic/scroll/scroll.gui at develop · Insality/druid · GitHub If I wanted to implement this example standalone in my project, is there an example of what my *.gui_script would look like?
example scroll.lua
local component = require("druid.component")
---@class scroll: druid.base_component
---@field root node
---@field scroll druid.scroll
---@field druid druid_instance
local M = component.create("scroll")
---@param template string
---@param nodes table<hash, node>
function M:init(template, nodes)
self.druid = self:get_druid(template, nodes)
self.scroll = self.druid:new_scroll("scroll_view", "scroll_content")
self.button_tutorial = self.druid:new_button("button_tutorial/root")
self.button_stencil = self.druid:new_button("button_stencil/root")
return M