How to fix blurry sprites in GUI menu?

I have created a simple GUI menu for my inventory system. However, I’m finding that scaling some sprites (using slice9) is causing blurriness which doesn’t appear as such in the editor at high zoom levels. See below image:

The arrows have slice9 x/z values of 5 pixels in order to elongate them to fill the button properly. However, in game they appear blurry :frowning: Strangely the item placeholder graphics I created look blurry in the editor, but appear sharp in game :stuck_out_tongue:

Could be several issues. Mip maps enabled. Not forcing 1:1 scales. Texture profile settings. If you have mipmaps enabled and are using the builtin GUI material then it’s possibly mipmaps that are making it look blurry. Make a duplicate of the builtin GUI material, and disable mipmaps on it.