So my stolen game is here - the site has simply hot-linked to my own website which circumvents the domain check I implemented using @Pkeod’s code from this thread
Does anyone know of a way to detect this type of hot-linking from within Defold?
Help appreciated! I’m sick websites stealing my hard work.
I’ve found I can simply add some rules to .htaccess to prevent the hotlinking in the first place. Game will now not even load on the pirate website whilst running normally from my own.
A good first step, at least forces them to update their site to hide the referrer if they want to continue showing your game. You might wanna continue monitoring it and/or add some link to your website in the HTML in case they do bypass it. The beneficial side of CORS here is that he can’t really do much to edit what’s inside the iframe in order to hide it afaik.