How to change code editor theme?

hi everyone, im trying to change the color theme of the code editor, but I cant.
someone can help me?
this is my editor.css

* {
  // Background
  -df-background-darker: derive(#212428, -10%);
  -df-background-dark: derive(#212428, -5%);
  -df-background: #212428;
  -df-background-light: derive(#212428, 10%);
  -df-background-lighter: derive(#212428, 20%);

  // Component
  -df-component-darker: derive(#282c34, -20%);
  -df-component-dark: derive(#282c34, -10%);
  -df-component: #282c34;
  -df-component-light: derive(#282c34, 10%);
  -df-component-lighter: derive(#282c34, 20%);

  // Text & icons
  -df-text-darker: derive(#abb2bf, -20%);
  -df-text-dark: derive(#abb2bf, -40%);
  -df-text: #abb2bf;
  -df-text-selected: derive(#abb2bf, 20%);

  // Red
  -df-defold-red-dark: derive(#e06c75, -10%);
  -df-defold-red: #e06c75;
  -df-defold-red-light: derive(#e06c75, 10%);

  // Yellow
  -df-defold-yellow-dark: derive(#e5c07b, -10%);
  -df-defold-yellow: #e5c07b;
  -df-defold-yellow-light: derive(#e5c07b, 10%);
  -df-defold-yellow-lighter: derive(#e5c07b, 20%);

  // Green
  -df-defold-green-dark: derive(#98c379, -10%);
  -df-defold-green: #98c379;
  -df-defold-green-light: derive(#98c379, 10%);
  -df-defold-green-lighter: derive(#98c379, 20%);

  // Orange
  -df-defold-orange-dark: derive(#c678dd, -10%);
  -df-defold-orange: #c678dd;
  -df-defold-orange-light: derive(#c678dd, 10%);

  // Blue
  -df-defold-blue-dark: derive(#61afef, -10%);
  -df-defold-blue: #61afef;
  -df-defold-blue-light: derive(#61afef, 10%);
  -df-defold-blue-lighter: derive(#61afef, 20%);

  /* Status colors */
  -df-error-severity-fatal: -df-defold-red;
  -df-error-severity-fatal-dim: -df-defold-red-dark;
  -df-error-severity-warning: -df-defold-yellow;
  -df-error-severity-warning-dim: -df-defold-yellow-dark;
  -df-error-severity-info: -df-defold-blue-lighter;

  /* Lua script colors */
  -df-script-helper: #61afef;
  -df-script-self: #c678dd;
  -df-script-logic: #e5c07b;
  -df-script-constant: #c678dd;
  -df-script-function: #98c379;
  -df-script-keyword: #e06c75;
  -df-script-operator: #61afef;
  -df-script-string: #e5c07b;
  -df-script-comment: #c678dd;
  -df-script-number: #abb2bf;
  -df-script-intellisense: #56b6c2;

  /* File extension group colors */
  -df-folder: -df-text-dark;
  -df-folder-active: -df-text;
  -df-unknown-file: -df-text-dark;
  -df-unknown-file-active: -df-text;
  -df-design-file: -df-defold-blue;
  -df-design-file-active: -df-defold-blue-lighter;
  -df-script-file: -df-defold-yellow;
  -df-script-file-active: -df-defold-yellow-lighter;
  -df-property-file: -df-defold-green;
  -df-property-file-active: -df-defold-green-light;

@font-face {
  font-family: "Oxygen";
  src: url("Oxygen-Regular.ttf");

.root {
  -fx-font-size: 13px;
  -fx-font-family: "Oxygen";

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Hello and welcome !

At the moment, as far as I know, changing color theme of the code editor is not possible.


ah, ok thank you

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What color do you mean particularly?

You can style it with CSS, there are some themes online, maybe something suits you?

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I want to change the color in the editor code (the window where you write your code) to use some code editor themes like atom one dark or base16 tomorrow night.

I mean from this:

to this

in fact the colors that I use in my editor.css file are from the theme one dark pro

I’m afraid you cannot change colors in text-editor, only « around » it (the rest of the GUI).
As i’m color blind, i would be interested to change the « red » of the text-editor to something more comfortable for my eyes :sweat_smile:

For the moment, i’m using an external editor, so that’s not a big deal, except for debugging.

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I think that the only way to do that is compiling all from the source, but have a lot of steps and dependecas