How to add defold game in android app as library?

I want to add defold game in my native Android app.
for example, after clicking on a button in Android, the game opens with some info received from the Android side(for example level number). maybe by putting extra to the intent that is launching DefoldActivity and then getting this extra from controller.script from defold side.

I investigated extension-android from here.
but I don’t know how to export defold game that can be used in Android project. and don’t know how to send extra to Defold side.

when Android app bundled from Defold editor, a .so file also created. what is this?

Defold is not designed to be embedded into other Android apps. It might be possible to achieve but it will require you to customize the engine and how it is built.

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That is the executable of the engine for Android. On all other platforms, it is statically linked.