for i=1,#self.zombies do
local id = self.zombies[i]
local zp = go.get_position(id)
Calling go.get_position()
in a loop is not great because it creates multiple short-lived vector objects, right? Is there any alternative to this currently?
for i=1,#self.zombies do
local id = self.zombies[i]
local zp = go.get_position(id)
Calling go.get_position()
in a loop is not great because it creates multiple short-lived vector objects, right? Is there any alternative to this currently?
You’re correct. One thing you could do is to create one v3 per zombie when the zombies are spawned and reuse the same v3 every frame. Something like this:
function init(self)
self.zombies = {}
for i=1,200 do
local x = math.random(1, 800)
local y = math.random(1, 480)
local p = vmath.vector3(x, y, 0)
local id = factory.create("#factory", p)
self.zombies[#self.zombies + 1] = {
id = id,
pos = p
function update(self, dt)
local pp = go.get_position("/player/player")
for i=1,#self.zombies do
local zombie = self.zombies[i]
local id =
local zp = zombie.pos
local dir = vmath.normalize(pp - zp)
zp = zp + dir * 10 * dt
go.set_position(zp, id)
I also recall that someone on Discord shared an extension that optimized for this scenario by working on the v3 components directly.
And what about the case where the position is changed extraneously to the object? For example through physics.
I will also try to find the extension thanks!
Maybe go.get_position()
could have an overload that accepts a vector reference as an argument to store the result.
This is correct. I made a similar optimisation to my original code too.
I was also thinking if it might make sense to have a global variable for the player position - if it was to be monitored by other routines? In this case it’s a single zombie factory. what would happen if I had other factories? They too could share the information? Although the best option would be to use a single update function for all factories.