How do you make an afterimage effect

Hello! I’ve tried to make an afterimage particle effect but it just hasn’t been turning out right.
(I want it to look something like this) image, The afterimage effect should follow the player, and the faster the player goes the more the afterimage gets stretched apart, and should only be played when the player moves. However I can’t figure out how to do that, please help.

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Perhaps we can help if you explain what you’ve tested so far?

One way to approach this is to treat it as any other sprite animation sequence.

Idle-> run -> sprint -> trail effect (beginning) -> trail effect (final)

With triggers based on amount of time certain button is pressed, movement speed, or environmental triggers. This would work for simple things like boosts in straight lines where there is enough space to show entire effect.

Animations like jumps, interactions with complex terrain like loops would all require their own animations…

Second option is to attach an object to the player and have it repeat parts of animation with set distance offset(x) and time delay(t) from the player. This would allow control of spacing when speed is changed.

I’m also new to this so there may be better ways to do it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think it could also be done using a particle effect. Use the same sprite, fade alpha over lifetime of particle, emitter box with height and width of 1.