Defold is easy. I’m not sure why people would think it’s hard. The editor is easy to use and intuitive. The “hard parts” are not really hard just not super obvious to people used to making games in different ways. You’ve had experience with newcomers to game development. I would guess they would not have the same hangups, such as with message passing or uncoupled nature of the engine. It’s easy just different!
Defold is a 3D engine, it’s not a 2D engine, it just does 2D in a 3D engine really well, and 3D will hopefully get better in time. I get that it’s not a good idea to sell that it’s a 3D engine while 3D doesn’t have everything 3D users might expect, but it’s still a 3D engine.
Engine being stable is really great. Only times I’ve ever had it crash was with native extensions, and then it was my fault.
I really like the reliable shipping process. I’m also going to miss the bleeding edge of Editor 2 once it goes stable if it goes away then. I hope we can still get access to unstable versions like now in the future.
We design the engine so it requires very low maintenance on user side - convenient dependencies, build automation, no breaking changes, swift engine upgrades, often releases - but no one really mentioned it as a reason to use Defold.
I love these features and they are a big reason why I’m using it. This is world class software.
So is the “easy to use” term concealing the “low maintenance” term, or is it something Defold users just got used to so much, they no longer notice it?
Yes, squeaky wheel gets the oil. Humans will complain about things which bother them 100 times before they praise something which they appreciate. If things people really appreciate but don’t pay attention to break or go missing you will know.