I am making a 2D platformer with Lua using Defold, and when my player collides with a wall, I can’t manage to get the walking animation to stop.
I tried to use flags as you can see in the code to prevent this, but it has not worked. The walk animation continues to play, and the player continues to push against the wall.
local right = hash("right") -- using a hash of the action_ids saves time
local left = hash("left") -- prehashing also saves resources, as it does not have to be hashed each time input detected
local idle = hash("idle") -- prehashing of animation names, saves resources
local walk = hash("walk")
local current_anim = idle -- set to idle by default, as this is the starting animation
local r_colliding = false -- sets flags to false at start of level
local l_colliding = false
local x_movement = 200 -- not hardcoded, so can be changed if need be
local move_direction = 0
function init(self)
msg.post(".", "acquire_input_focus") -- allows the script to handle inputs
local function animate(anim) -- dedicated for animations, improves modularity
if current_anim ~= anim then -- checks that the animation is not already being played
sprite.play_flipbook("#sprite", anim)
current_anim = anim -- updates the current animation
if move_direction == 1 then -- if facing right
sprite.set_hflip("#sprite",false) -- flip -> false
elseif move_direction == -1 then -- if facing left
sprite.set_hflip("#sprite",true) -- flip -> true
local function collision_anim(message)
if message.normal.x > 0.7 then -- if collision on right
r_colliding = true
l_colliding = false
elseif message.normal.x < -0.7 then -- if collision on left
r_colliding = false
l_colliding = true
else -- if not, reset flags to false
r_colliding = false
l_colliding = false
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("contact_point_response") then -- if collision, call function
function fixed_update(self, dt)
local pos = go.get_position() -- gets the current position
pos.x = pos.x + x_movement * move_direction * dt -- x_position + x_movement, * dir & diff between prev frame
go.set_position(pos) -- updates pos
if move_direction ~= 0 then -- if player is not moving
animate(walk) -- call animation function, with walk as argument
else -- if player not moving
animate(idle) -- call animaton function, with idle as argument
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
if action_id == right and not r_colliding then -- only move right, when not colliding with right
move_direction = 1 -- sets direction
elseif action_id == left and not l_colliding then -- only move left when not colliding with left
move_direction = -1
if action.released then
move_direction = 0 -- sets direction to 0, so player does not move
Thank you