Hello everyone, I am new to defold and have no programming experience, but I heard about defold, I heard defold is beginner friendly ,now I want to program a music application. I need to integrate tonejs and woscope js https://github.com/m1el/woscope. Can any kind person give me a simple example?As long as I can press a key or A button or a sprite can then trigger tonejs to produce a C4 pitch synthesizer sound, I have searched a lot on the Internet and forums. , but there is no answer. I urgently need help. Thank you all in advance.
Integrations are usually done as native extensions, but perhaps you could use html5.run()
to call the function you need or js2def (https://github.com/Agulev/jstodef).
Thanks for the guidance, but can you give me a simple example, a simple and feasible example of how to do tonejs or woscope js, so that I can further learn and explore by myself, because I have no programming experience, thank you very much in advance
Since you are completely new to programming then my recommendation is that you start to learn Defold first, and when you are somewhat comfortable in a standard Defold project only then do you start to integrate third party services. Here’s a good starting point: