I’m working on a Defold project and encountered an issue with hot reload when using Rive animations. Here’s my setup:
- Basic scene with a game object + sprite → Hot reload works perfectly
- Same scene, but added a Rive model to the game object → Hot reload fails
I’m running a contentless build. Is there anything specific I need to configure in the bundling settings or asset folders to make hot reload work with Rive models?
Would appreciate any suggestions from those who’ve worked with Rive in Defold.
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unexpected http status code: 500
ERROR:RIVEEXT: Failed to load resource '/defold-rive/assets/pls-shaders/rivemodel_blit.vpc'
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /assets/test.rivescenec: RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /assets/test.rivemodelc: RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /_generated_a301a3a0.goc: RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND
ERROR:GAMEOBJECT: Could not instantiate game object from prototype /_generated_a301a3a0.goc.
ERROR:RESOURCE: /main/main.collectionc has invalid format and could not be reloaded.