Hide actionbar on android (DEF-1129) (SOLVED)

Is it possible to hide the actionbar on android?

I’ve tried to play around with AndroidManifest.xml with little success.

I’d like to know the answer to this too - can anyone provide the answer?

Would it be enough in a “normal” Android app to change something in the manifest or does it require code as well?

I believe you can hide the Action Bar simply by editing the Android Manifest file. It would be great if the default Defold engine player on Android did this so that the player was full screen by default.

Ok, I see. In that case you can do it as well, but I’m afraid it’s not as easy as modifying the game.project file (although I think it should be). Here’s how:

In game.project you have the option of providing your own AndroidManifest.xml. Now, you need to base your own version of the AndroidManifest.xml on the one used when bundling a Defold Android app. So, download bob.jar (the standalone build tool, see: http://www.defold.com/doc/bob) from here: http://d.defold.com/archive/dd97a77bb97cde6a6a83f2dd25c3884751e9511f/bob/bob.jar. Unpack and extract the manifest from com/dynamo/bob/bundle/resources/android, do your modifications and point to it in game.project.

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I understand - thanks. When I get the chance I will try this

hmm, when I try to add “.NoActionBar” (like here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11434560/how-to-hide-the-actionbar-before-the-activity-is-loaded) I receive an error when I try to build android bundle

Do you know how exactly hide ActionBar? Maybe you can help?

What kind of error? Are you using a recent Android Manifest (from the latest bob.jar)?

There’s an open issue for this, DEF-1129? Text from the issue below

On Android you need to set "Immersive mode" to remove on-screen-buttons (LG G3 and a lot of Samsung phones)

Has to be done in Defold:

Also from the forum
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I found, it was my mistake.

I hate to work with AndroidManifest (
Hope in future hide an action bar would be possible without custom AndroidManifest.

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Immersive mode (DEF-1129) was added in Defold 1.2.97


Woot :slight_smile: Can’t wait to get home and try this out :slight_smile: