Help with render targets

I’m on a quest to learn more about render targets. My goal is to make stuff like refractive and reflective water and mainly apply shaders to simulate old CRT TVs and alike. Problem is, IDK much about render targets in defold and documentation is scarse. I mean, there’s documentation, but it is not that good for beginners. If one knows where i can learn more about it id be greatly thankfull. But my question here is: how can i render a scene as a texture? If i can do this, it would be half way done. In plain opengl i found these tutorial series on how to do that, but i couldnt quite translate it to defold. If i can learn more about how to use the functions render.enable_texture, render.render_target and alike, id be good to go. Any help is appreciated.

This is my current render script, i got it from rendercam extension and manipulated a bit to some extent, but not too much. This script got my screen to blink once with all the objects in the scene and then goes pure black:

local rendercam = require "libs.rendercam.rendercam"
local vp = rendercam.viewport

local IDENTITY_MATRIX = vmath.matrix4()
local CLEAR_COLOR = hash("clear_color")
local WINDOW_RESIZED = hash("window_resized")
local UPDATE_WINDOW = hash("update window")

local function update_window(self)
	rendercam.update_window(render.get_window_width(), render.get_window_height())
	self.gui_proj = vmath.matrix4_orthographic(0, rendercam.window.x, 0, rendercam.window.y, -1, 1)

function init(self)
  local color_params = { format = render.FORMAT_RGBA,
                         width = render.get_window_width(),
                         height = render.get_window_height(),
                         min_filter = render.FILTER_NEAREST,
                         mag_filter = render.FILTER_NEAREST,
                         u_wrap = render.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
                         v_wrap = render.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE }

  local depth_params = { format = render.FORMAT_DEPTH,
                         width = render.get_window_width(),
                         height = render.get_window_height(),
                         u_wrap = render.WRAP_REPEAT,
                         v_wrap = render.WRAP_REPEAT }

  self.my_render_target = render.render_target({[render.BUFFER_COLOR_BIT] = color_params, [render.BUFFER_DEPTH_BIT] = depth_params })

	self.tilemap_pred = render.predicate({"tilemap"})
	self.gui_pred = render.predicate({"gui"})
	self.shadows_pred = render.predicate({"shadows"})
	self.text_pred = render.predicate({"text"})
	self.model_pred = render.predicate({"model"})
	self.particle_pred = render.predicate({"particle"})
	self.sprite_pred = render.predicate({"sprite"})

	self.clear_color = vmath.vector4(0)
	self.clear_color.x = sys.get_config("render.clear_color_red", 0)
	self.clear_color.y = sys.get_config("render.clear_color_green", 0)
	self.clear_color.z = sys.get_config("render.clear_color_blue", 0)
	self.clear_color.w = sys.get_config("render.clear_color_alpha", 0)

	rendercam.configWin.x = render.get_width();  rendercam.configWin.y = render.get_height()
	rendercam.update_window_size(render.get_window_width(), render.get_window_height())

function update(self)
	render.clear({[render.BUFFER_COLOR_BIT] = self.clear_color, [render.BUFFER_DEPTH_BIT] = 1, [render.BUFFER_STENCIL_BIT] = 0})

	render.set_viewport(vp.x, vp.y, vp.width, vp.height)


	-- Sprite and particle rendering
	-- render.disable_state(render.STATE_DEPTH_TEST)
	render.set_blend_func(render.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)


	-- Model rendering
	render.set_blend_func(render.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)

	-- Debug rendering - physics debug, draw_line

	-- GUI Rendering
	render.set_viewport(0, 0, rendercam.window.x, rendercam.window.y)
	render.set_projection(self.gui_proj) -- gui_proj only calculated on update_window

	render.draw(self.text_pred) -- Includes debug text from "draw_text" messages.
  render.enable_texture(0, self.my_render_target, render.BUFFER_COLOR_BIT)

function on_message(self, message_id, message)
	if message_id == CLEAR_COLOR then
		self.clear_color = message.color
	elseif message_id == WINDOW_RESIZED then -- sent by engine
	elseif message_id == UPDATE_WINDOW then -- sent by rendercam when a camera is activated ("window_resized" engine message requires data)

As water effects are a bit too complex, id like to first get something with effects that occurs on the whole screen, like CRT TV effects. I know of Horri-Fold, but id need to have a render_script like rendercam, so i cannot use Horri-Fold render. Im studying this extension scripts still

Perhaps you could also study this project with a simple framework for post processing effects:


thanks i’ll have a look. Still, if someone can help me more directly, id be really thankfull

I found this “old” video and i got what im doing wrong. After a code correction, all is left os to make the camera fit in the quad im putting the textured screen. But i dont know how to do this with a non-orthographic camera. The whole scene is transformed into a texture that should be bound to this square right here:

But how do i do it?

Take a look through this thread: 2D lighting in Defold(SOLVED)

[Edit] I got ninja’d (so I ninja back). :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Drawing to the render target, and drawing the render target to the screen are two separate things, you want to use different view and project matrices to draw the render target to the screen (an orthographic projection, presumably). Usually you set the view matrix to “nothing” (an identity matrix), and the project to an orthographic one that makes your quad with the render target on it fill the whole window. This is discussed in the thread I linked as well.

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much thanks, i will have a look about. But the scene and the quad are already being drawn separately, i will make more adjustments tho

So what does it look like when you draw your quad?

Nothing yet, im still figuring how to focus the camera onto the quad…

There’s a demo project for 2D lighting linked in the thread that I linked before, and a bunch of explanations if you don’t understand how it works. This is the code from that project that draws the render target quad:

-- In render script update()

-- 		Draw the render target quad
render.set_view(IDENTITY_MATRIX) -- set view and projection so quad fills the viewport
render.enable_texture(0, self.lights_target, render.BUFFER_COLOR_BIT)
render.enable_texture(1, self.base_target, render.BUFFER_COLOR_BIT)
render.disable_texture(0, self.lights_target)
render.disable_texture(1, self.base_target)

In that example I have two render targets for lighting, but if you just have one, then of course you just need to enable and disable one texture instead of two.

You don’t need a camera to focus on the quad, you just set the view and projection directly (which is pretty much all that a camera does anyway).

I done the matrix thing and all, but still, nothing but black will show to the screen… Heres the project if you want to have a look, but idk what to do anymore, i think im having problems bc of the rendercam extension, but idk for sure, it could also be bc the camera is simply out of range of the quad, many things i suppose… But im almost sure that everything is being drawn into the quad, as you can see in this screenshot: the plane appears both in the scene and in the quad

Hmm, well if you’re using that same project, with test.collection as the bootstrap, then the quad doesn’t even exist in that collection. But that’s not the only thing wrong. You’re enabling the render target in update(), but never disabling it, so nothing you draw will ever get to the screen, it’ll all be drawn to the render target. If I fix those two things, then I’m getting something, a sort of dark static blur on the top half of the screen.

Ye, the static blur is part of the post processing effect. I totally didnt know about the collection bootstrap thing, shame on me :confounded:

Aha! Cool. So it’s just two steps away from working. Add the quad to the collection, and disable the render target before you draw the quad to the screen:


Now, and in the future, I would remove anything unnecessary when you are trying to figure things like this out. Don’t use shaders or anything else that might interfere. Just use the simplest possible scene with a single sprite until you figure out the hard part. Go step-by-step. If you try to start with a full scene like this when you don’t know if the basics are working, it’s just going to be chaos and frustration.

OK, this was my goof. I had the quad’s Y position set to 1 by mistake. Set to zero, it correctly shows on the full screen.

It works on test collection, but why not in main?

[Edit] Because of rendercam. In main theres a render cam, whereas in test theres none

I’m assuming you fixed the crash from the missing horri-fold script that was in main.collection first. Besides that, and the quad being offset by 1 pixel on each axis, it works fine for me.

There is a camera in test.collection, it’s on the “rotation” object.

well then we have one problem left: why isnt the scene being rendered on the quad? Im going to sleep now, gonna try to solve this when i have time, maybe towmorrow i wont have college. Until then, much thanks for helping, im really thankfull :heart::heart: