Help with Input focus on sub screens (SOLVED)

Hello , i am totaly new on Defold i was following the tutorials but i get stucked with input on screens
i created this structure to my game

i use the main.collection to manage the other screens so i attached the loader script in main with screen’s proxy for each screen. this is my loader script image
if i acquire_input_focus on loader script input works fine in main collection but input dont work if i put acquire_input_focus in my title gui script i need the input on title button to send a msg to main and call my next screen
this is my title collection the gui script is inside my title.gui
someone can help me to understand what iam done wrong ?

sorry for my bad english

Hi! If you load collections using collection proxies you must make sure that they are part of the input stack. If the parent collection hasn’t acquired input it will not propagate down to any children.

So your loader script must acquire input and then any collection it loads must also acquire input. If input is removed from the loader script none of the loaded collections will get input.


Awesome, now it’s working.

thanks have a nice day :smile: