Help to fix can not spawn gui by gui.max_count

Please tell me how to fix that bug, I try to setup Max Count of GUI to 1024 or 2048 but nothing change. Bug is the same when number is 64

Can you please confirm that you are not seeing cached browser data after the change? Also, can you please try a build for your host OS?

If I get cached data and data is nil, I will have that bug? Please support me. I’m a beginer learning Defold

I was thinking out loud that since you tested in a browser it could potentially be an issue that your browser has cached data and is showing you the old version without the increased max count.

Did you try this? Try Project->Build from the editor. Does it work?

I think the “full (0)” is a bit suspicious though.
I wonder if it’s connected to one of the issues we fixed in 1.6.1. (Issue related to Dynamic Factories and component counts)

Would you mind updating to 1.6.1 and try again?


yes @Mathias_Westerdahl . I was updated to 1.6.1 last version and rebuild. All working like nothing problem !


@Mathias_Westerdahl Has the issue of Dynamic Factories solve been resolved or not? When I debug with new version 1.6.1, I see some error log ex: ERROR:CRASH: 0 0x7FF71B7D6500 dmCrash::GenerateCallstack D:\a\defold\defold\engine\crash\src\backtrace_win32.cpp:144

I mean, yes that issue was fixed. I guess you’ve found another one.
Please create a new post or create an issue on GitHub and please include the full callstack, and possibly a small repro case.