My game occassionally, randomly crashes. It’s pretty rare, so I haven’t been able to narrow down any repro steps but it does happen both when running from the editor or a native build.
I’ve mostly ignored it so far because 1: it’s pretty infrequent and 2: the console doesn’t print out anything I can make sense of. e.g.:
INFO:CRASH: Successfully wrote Crashdump to file: /Users/greay/Library/Application Support/Defold/_crash
# 0 pc 0x30bd7d libxpc.dylib _sigtramp+29
# 1 pc 0x1d34b5 dmengine lj_cont_dispatch+52
# 2 pc 0x1ebd62 dmengine lua_pcall+146
# 3 pc 0x1b6ca1 dmengine _ZN8dmScriptL13PCallInternalEP9lua_Stateiii+81
# 4 pc 0x2bd85f dmengine _ZN5dmGui9RunScriptEPNS_5SceneENS_14ScriptFunctionEiPv+2511
# 5 pc 0xc9f9f dmengine _ZN12dmGameSystemL16CompGuiOnMessageERKN12dmGameObject24ComponentOnMessageParamsE+79
# 6 pc 0xa0577 dmengine _ZN12dmGameObject24DispatchMessagesFunctionEPN9dmMessage7MessageEPv+2199
# 7 pc 0x2896ad dmengine _ZN9dmMessage16InternalDispatchEyPFvPNS_7MessageEPvES2_b+669
# 8 pc 0xa1cbc dmengine _ZN12dmGameObjectL16DispatchMessagesEPNS_10CollectionEPyj+204
# 9 pc 0xa2aaf dmengine _ZN12dmGameObject6UpdateEPNS_16CollectionHandleEPKNS_13UpdateContextE+719
#10 pc 0xc3acb dmengine _ZN12dmGameSystem25CompCollectionProxyUpdateERKN12dmGameObject22ComponentsUpdateParamsERNS0_22ComponentsUpdateResultE+539
#11 pc 0xa2a5f dmengine _ZN12dmGameObject6UpdateEPNS_16CollectionHandleEPKNS_13UpdateContextE+639
#12 pc 0x4c1f3 dmengine _ZN8dmEngine4StepEPNS_6EngineE+1027
#13 pc 0x4ca0a dmengine _Z14dmEngineUpdatePN8dmEngine6EngineE+26
#14 pc 0x4d51d dmengine _ZN8dmEngine7RunLoopEPKNS_13RunLoopParamsE+109
#15 pc 0x4d482 dmengine _Z11engine_mainiPPc+98