@nikolay.romashchenko In order to do so, you need to know how many pixels your string will take up. I achieved this by trial and error. Make a text node with a few words, and fit a box node behind it until you get it to the visible size of the string. Now you divide that amount by the number of characters in the string, including spaces. This will give you the size, in pixels, of each character in that font. You can then multiply this number by the number of characters in your string to see how large any node is in the future. NOTE: this doesn’t include linebreak. You can use the custom linebreak function below if you need to do so.
Once you have the character size in pixels, you can use this function for linebreaking:
local linebreak = ""
function fit_text(text,chars,width,margin) -- In order: Inputted string, Size of one font character in pixels, Width of node, Desired padding space on edges of node.
numChars = string.len(text)
chatSpace = numChars * chars
width = width - margin
lineSpace = math.ceil(width/chars)
mock_lineSpace = lineSpace*chars
lines = 1
for l=0,50,1 do
if chatSpace > mock_lineSpace then
lines = lines + 1
mock_lineSpace = mock_lineSpace + lineSpace*chars
print("GOT LINES: " .. lines)
for b=0,lines,1 do
if lines ~= 1 then
print("lines: " .. lines)
print("takeaway table: " .. b .. " | characters/line: " .. lineSpace)
takeaway = b * lineSpace
print("taking away: " .. takeaway .. " characters")
print("string length: " .. string.len(text))
thisLine = text
if takeaway ~= 0 then
takeaway = takeaway + 2
thisLine = string.reverse(thisLine)
thisLine = string.sub(thisLine,1,-takeaway)
thisLine = string.reverse(thisLine)
if b ~= 0 then
takeaway = b + 1
takeaway = takeaway * lineSpace
takeaway = string.len(text) - takeaway
thisLine = string.sub(thisLine,1,-takeaway)
print("remaining characters: " .. string.len(thisLine))
takeaway = numChars - lineSpace
thisLine = string.sub(thisLine,1,-takeaway)
if b ~= lines - 1 then -- If end has not been reached
linebreak = linebreak .. thisLine .. "\n"
linebreak = linebreak .. thisLine
linebreak = text
nextOffset = lines * (chars/3 + chars) + offset
return linebreak