GUI set_texture problem

function update(self, dt)
	str_guncel = inputa:get_text()
	local score_text = gui.get_node("sayac")
	gui.set_text(score_text, self.scores)
	local soru = gui.get_node("soru")
	gui.set_texture(soru, "sorular")
	gui.play_flipbook(soru, tostring(self.scores))

Showing image 1 and image 5 from atlas. Why?

Not related but you shouldn’t put that code into the update function. Something you can handle per action shouldn’t do repeatly

It didn’t happen, it’s still the same

It’s hard to say what’s going on from the code and images you have shared. Can you please share a minimal project?

i sent my project to you @britzl with e-mail

Solved… Please delete this question There was a very simple mistake. I added sprites

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We prefer to not remove questions and solutions. What was the problem and how did you solve it?

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