GUI How to create slider which can tuning any setting of the game?

so, I need a slider which will output a values 0-1.0 (or bigger) to the variable of any function or script file.
For example:

  • Changing sound value;
  • Changing interface size;

how can I do that? Any ideas?

One example is using DearImGui:



hmm… Is it uses only for floating windows of app?
But I developing the game which don’t include a floating windows out of the game.
In short, I need to add slider looks like this:

Then I need use variable output of slider to change sound value, size of interface, anything color and a lot of etc.

imgui is great for developer tools & debugging (your first post suggested that was the purpose) but for real game UI I would suggest the Druid Framework. There’s a builtin slider component - see the example online.