Google/Admob - UMP for iOS

We’re using Admob to serve ads into our game and see that we may need to integrate Google’s User Messaging Platform as a result. I see that there’s a UMP extension built already by toca as mentioned here Defold - Google User Messaging Platform (UMP) Extension, but wondered if there’s already an iOS equivalent?

If not, is that because we don’t need to implement UMP for iOS, or just that nobody’s done it yet?


Isn’t consent for ads built into iOS through the Apple Tracking Transparency pop-up?

Thanks, I. think the ATT popup allows people to opt in/out of ad tracking, but doesn’t seem to do what Admob wants (for EU/UK GDPR purposes) which is to allow user modification of which ad providers are permitted.

I found that the Android UMP library never shows the popup anyway, even with the example project (I might have missed something but I could’t get a popup and found that a call to umpandroidnative.get_consent_status() always returns 1 - consent not required) so I am currently using the ‘ad units’ setting in the Admob backend, which causes the popups to appear OK on both platforms when an ad is first requested, without needing to integrate the SDK. It’s not Google’s preferred way of doing it though, so hopefully it won’t get deprecated and it’s a concern going forward but OK for now.

I think the ideal would be that the UMP stuff is integrated into the Admob library itself eventually.