GLTF: failed to load buffer .bin for .gltf (SOLVED)

Some assets have .gltf and .bin file:

When I try to set .gltf to the model in Defold for such asset, there is an error:


Doesn’t matter if .bin is located in the same directory as .gltfor same directory as created .model. Is there a way to include such a file into Defold then?


I was not able to load .gltf files either when trying. I have this zombie that I desperately want to clubber but if I remember correctly, I could not load the model in the editor. The other format worked though but it did not show the texture. Collada?

That said, I am probably better off playing with words than clubber zombies. Hence why I switched projects! Seriously though perhaps I would want to work on that zombie thing again.

Will follow this thread!

I have a source file for this fortunately, so I exported it from Blender into a glb file that works, but I created a post to get to know if it is supported in Defold in some way or not :wink:

Is it possible to share the model?

Yes, it’s free: KayKit - Character Pack : Adventurers by Kay Lousberg

I have a version with source files, but in the free version there is catalog “assets” and in here, every asset is like this - gltf + bin, e.g. there’s arrow.bin and arrow.gltf and so on. It is not like this with characters though - all of those are instead .glb.

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glb is same as gltf (binary versus text format). Both support embedded or external buffers (.bin)

I’ll have a first look to see if I can trigger the issue.

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I tested your arrow.gltf example and it opens up with no errors in the editor (Defold 1.9.1)

I couldn’t find the turret example in that data set?

Sorry, the turret is the one that is not in free pack. But I have the same problem with every file here :cold_sweat::


Where do you put the .bin file?

I have all in one catalog even and still the error appears:

I’ll update to 1.9.2 and check

Edit: Erhm… Now I’m not sure if restarting or updating, but nevertheless… it helped.

Yes, and copying more such gltf files to the project - all can be added to model and it works.

So at least the issue is kind of solved :smiley:


I just tested you rturret model as well, and it worked fine as well for me.

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