Getting Cycle detected error after creating GUI (SOLVED)

Hi i have created a new GUI to swap between menu screen to gameplay in my game im making. Im following this tutorial:

And i have copied and pasted the code and done the rest the same but i got this error message;
java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: Cycle detected on node type editor.collection/CollectionNode and output :build-targets
(not (contains? (:in-production evaluation-context) [node-id label]))
Does anyone know what causes this or how to solve it? Im having trouble finding the problem as no build errors.
Thank you :slight_smile:

If you search the forum for “cycle detected” you’ll find various similar but slightly differing issues.

Basically, it is likely a circular reference of some kind. A script requiring itself, or scripts requiring each other, a collection placed in itself, a collection trying to spawn itself. That kind of thing.

swapped the bootstrap collection around after looking at the forum thank you!!