Get collectionfactory objects?

i’m going to use collection factories to make chunks for my tilemap, but i need to be able to access the tilemap in order to set the tiles after the chunk is created. how do i go about getting the GO that the collection in the factory makes? i want to use a script inside of the spawned GO in order to set the tiles.
my collection looks like this:

The collectionfactory.create() function will return a table with mapping from the ids you have in your prototype collection and the actual game objects that are spawned. You can use this table to look up the id of the mapchunk go for instance.

oh, it returns a table?
ok, i guess i missed that part in the api then
thank you!

how would i go about deleting the collection? or would the collection be deleted if i delete all the GOs in it?

The collection does not exist as a thing at runtime. It is not something you need to delete. You only need to delete the game objects (or root object if you do go.delete(id, true).

ok, just thought i’d ask since the hash of the path when printed out is /collection0/mapchunk or /collection1/mapchunk and wanted to make sure it wasn’t going to add overhead