Gaussian splatting will be at every game engine

Unreal Engine, Unity and Bevy have Gaussian Splating technology for gamedev.
It is not a mesh, but it can be used instead of mesh easily (instead of photogrammetry).
Gaussian Splatting makes photorealistic copy of real world as a scene. It is good for WEB.
GameDeveloper can add collision oblects instead of mesh in Gaussian Splatting scene.
Same scene will look absolutely photorealistic (100,0%).
For the photo/video analazing game developer can use “Postshot” Windows app and export “.PLY” file to Defold after it.
It is really new technology, but it’s very important for any game engine!
Also: I did compare file size of .ply file with mesh analog. The building with about 16k texture but in Gaussian and points have size 180Mb in .ply. But it is Raw Gaussian without optimizing. 75% of points (may be 100%) may be deleted (but same app doesn’t exist yet, only manual cleaning right now). In any way same files will be compressed in the nearest future. The source code is on Github in different projects.
Gaussian Splatting could be main feature of Defold as highly realistic graphics!

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You (or someone) could probably implement it as an extension. render wise it doesn’t seem to require anything new from the engine


Unfortunately, I am not a programmer. I think, I can study Lua or C# scripting. But C/C++ is too hard. I like to discover Github projects. And there are a lot of shiny new featured projects!

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I think it’s an interesting project, I hope someone in the community will pick it up! :slight_smile:

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How could it be possibly done from a native extension? A native extension that is used in render scripts and/or materials? Even if we somehow extract Gaussian representation from a file - would we need to convert them into fragments anyway? Just can’t imagine the idea on how such thing could be acomplished from NE :smiley:

I’ll admit that I don’t know 100% how the process works, but rendering wise you still need to output a huge list of textured quads right? You can create a custom component for this that registers a new resource loader that can parse the data format (similar to the rive/spine extensions), and then during the rendering it would generate render objects with prepared mesh lists and whatever render state you’d need, and then let the renderer issue the draw calls internally. Sure, it’s not trivial, but it is 100% doable I think :slight_smile: That’s how I would do it anyway if it is impossible to use a mesh component for example


This is yet another marketing ploy designed to attract the attention of beginners, and fans who are attracted to “shiny” new tech things, regardless of their actual practical use. Meanwhile, stability, performance, basic input handling and animation, etc. lie broken by the wayside. It’s also a good way to put down and steal focus from the smaller engines and frameworks by saying “Look! We have shiny feature X and they don’t!”, regardless of whether “feature X” a) actually works outside their limited custom test scenarios, and b) has any practical value to an indie game developer making a game right now or in the near future. Look, they have successfully convinced you to spread their word for them.

This has no value to the vast majority of indies trying to make games. Documentation, reliability, backwards compatibility, performance, speed of iteration—these are the things that are valuable in a game engine; these are the things you should look for and admire, not the latest shiny new distraction. Lacking these foundational things, no one will ever get to the shiny new distraction.

P.S. “5MB builds compiled in under 1 minute will be coming to every game engine” - now that’s a future headline I want to see. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Technicly, there aren’t quads, tris or textures. Only points with special attributes which generates colored smoke. Gaussian Splatting technically is colored smoke. Every child can create it via 3 buttons: 1) upload video; 2) convert; 3) export “.ply” file. And not more. Windows app “PostShot” works exelently. So Defold team needs only add some open source alghoritm in the engine from GitHub. I found few apps, wich can convert Gaussian Splatting into mesh (“Sugar” for example). But they don’t have “3 button interface”. Also Gaussian Splatting less eat CPU and GPU power than mesh with same detalization. So user can only combine Gaussian splatting with collision primitives. It gives better performans and graphics quality than mesh. No tris, no quads, no textures! Easy to use! 100% photorealistic!

You are oversimplifying this to the extreme. You make it sound like it can be integrated and launched in a few days. There is way more effort involved than you seem to think.