So, I’ve got a collection that has a number of GameObjects within it. Each of those gameobjects is just used as a waypoint for building a spline.
What I’m finding though is that if I change the position of those gameobjects once the parent collection is added to main.collection – that even though the editor reflects their updated positions, at runtime their position reverts to the position that’s stored in the collection file on disk.
So, the hierarchy is something like:
main–>Spline Collection–>Point1_GO, Point2_GO, Point3_GO, etc.
…if you move those points around in the editor, it works totally fine but when you run they revert to the disk values.
Still new, so trying to wrap my brain around how things are referenced etc. but I could’ve sworn that within a collection you can move the positions of gameobjects and it will override the value stored on disk?