Flix - Procedural training and Movie making

This must be the one and only M1! We have one in Cracow :grin:

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This is impressive!

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I need to cred the free 3D models Im using too (there will be attrib in the app)

Really quite awesome low poly models. They needed some treatment in blender (scaling, and other things) but otherwise quite excellent. There will be many of these available in flix (Im removing the commercial ones).

Also looking at replacing the shadow method. Probably will implement my own shadows solve for large volumes. For people interested in this is a great reference:
< GitHub - Flix01/Tiny-OpenGL-Shadow-Mapping-Examples: Compact OpenGL Shadow Mapping Examples in a single compilation unit >


Uggh. Side tracked. While looking for some old file on the numerous usb drives I have I decided, I need to catalog my drives. And I cant find any decent cataloger that is simple and just indexes the filenames + size + folder, assigns to a drive/catalog name then is searchable (easily).

I decided, Im going to make one. Shouldnt be more than a day. Not sure I’ll use defold, although I added a sqlitedb extension which is what I want to use, and I want cross platform too. Not sure nuklear or imgui will suit tho.

I’ll finish off what Im doing today (making some vids etc) then get that sorted and start the indexing of the drives. Its annoying not being able to file a file you know you have somewhere :slight_smile:

< update > strike that. just found VVV and it looks pretty good. moving on. < Virtual Volumes View >

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Videos not done. Too much other things happening atm. It would be nice to lock myself away in a room for a month… then I could get things done :slight_smile:

The editor is going well, timeline, acts and scene editing all nice. aabb box hitting for object selection, movement, rotation, and more.

  • Added shortcuts for move and rotation (t and r respectively).
  • Adding orbit shortcut too.
  • Load/Save movie nodes all working (can save cmds and objs and acts)
  • Many improvements in gltf and glb loading (animation is sorta in - needs some work)
  • The tiny ecs back end… I need to cleanup and create a native extension for. Its been awesome. This will be done today/weekend (I hope)
  • Geomextensions is much improved. This coupled with gltf, will be a major upgrade for these extensions when I push them back up (maybe weekend).

Will be working on some other bits this weekend (some crypto stuff for a friend). Will be back to post some videos on Monday. Or thats the plan… will see. :slight_smile:


I wanted to update. Again, life intervenes :slight_smile: New puppy… job… and many other elements taking my time away from this. I hope to get some more done over the coming weeks. But its going to be slow now. Have also been updating Tiny ECS and defold-nuklear for other projects (I have two games to try and spend some time on as well).

Some notes.

  • The animation is where I really want to finish, as well as the act construction.
  • The lighting and shadows I might put into a separate project so it can be made a standalone extension/dependency for people to use. The animation will be like this too, but its a little more complicated to extract from flix atm.
  • Tiny ECS html is quite extensive now but I have removed the camera effects for flix (again because of render complications) but I have left it in the public project example.

So next major update should be animation and act commands/timelines working with the ability to record and playback scenes.


Ok. Runtime loading of animations (via ozz animation) is working. Will be posting an ozz-animation defold extension soon. This will allow for:

  • animation blend trees
  • ik management at runtime
  • property and event binding to animation
  • gpu skinning ( to be added - their sample uses ogl, but would like to use vulkan. dunno).

That happened a little quicker than expected. Working ozz-animation lib/system that is a good start.
Will add the IK and some simple blendtrees - prob a couple of days, then I can get that back into Flix.
This will also get use in other projects Im using atm… and there will be a 3D anim tool coming as well. :slight_smile:


What you’re doing here is amazing :heart_eyes:

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Thanks mate. Appreciate that coming from someone who is doing amazing stuff with Defold too. (better art too! :slight_smile: ).