FFI with Editor 2 (SOLVED)

Could why ffi isn’t working right with Editor 2 be investigated soon?

Is there a ticket for this? I will talk to @mats.gisselson, @Erik_Angelin and @Ragnar_Dahlen today and ask.

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@Pkeod: ffi is in the package.preload table. At least when I test in the latest Editor 2 on OSX.

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I see that too when printing package on Windows, shouldn’t it work?

  preload = {
    ffi = function: 0x3d428520,

If I do local ffi = require("ffi") it says not found. If I try to use ffi it says attempt to index global 'ffi' (a nil value).

You shouldn’t require ffi like that. Try:

local ffi = package.preload.ffi()
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That works! Thank you!