Fetching Dependencies from Various Sources

I recall only seeing an example for fetching dependency projects from GitHub. What exactly is required in order for a url in the game.project file’s Dependencies section to work? Also, can dependencies be fetched from local storage?

I believe a working dependency is an url of zip file which contains some basic requirements (game.project file, folder containing library code…) for a Defold library or extension.

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Yup, you just need a URL to a zip file containing a Defold project. Any folders listed in library.include_dirs of the dependency’s game.project file will then be added to your project.

You could run a local HTTP server or link whatever files you need from the dependency to your project.

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Okay, thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

The source code for resolving dependencies in bob.jar can be found here:

As you can see, it is a java.net.HttpURLConnection that is used, which means that it can be loaded from literally any URL.

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