Faerie Solitaire Harvest

I’ve had that happen to me as well. Refresh the page and it should work. Steam bug probably

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Yep! Going to the page again and looks normal!

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Congratulations !
Here’s the Japanese version ( I have poor English.)






:star: きれいな40ヶ所のロケーション
:star: 360枚のオリジナルデザインカード
:star: 32匹のペットを集めて育成
:star: 妖精を助けて仲間を得るアドベンチャーモード
:star: ロケーションをリプレイして追加の得点を得るクイックプレイモード
:star: さらに大きな得点を得ることができるニューゲームプラスモード
:star: 40+の実績
:star: リラックスして楽しめるちょうどいい難易度
:star: 全年齢対応


Thank you @yeqwep here is Japanese version up thanks to you!


The game looks awesome! I wish you luck! :smiley: Below is my polish version. I also modified it a little bit to be more suitable and interesting for a polish gamer - not so many games take care about polish version and we consider it as a show of caring and respect from the developer/publisher :wink: and many people here plays matching games (mobile first I think, though there is a lot of gamers)

For ‘Faerie’ you could use ‘Duszki’ if you mean little, infantile, but very nice, usually male spirits/ghosts/wisps (like Casper for example) or ‘Wróżki’ if you mean little fairies, usually female, with wings (like Disney’s Tinker Bell)

For ‘Wild shards’ I suggest to use ‘Dzikie karty’ (literally Wild Cards) because it means what you described. Literally ‘Dzikie Łuski’ means nothing to a polish gamers and ‘Łuski’ are more likely to be considered something like shards of a dragon or a fish.

Łącz karty w pary, ratuj Duszki (/Wróżki) i wychowuj Magiczne Zwierzęta eksplorując wiele rozbudowanych i przepięknych krain Faerie Solitaire Harvest. Zdobywaj (Czyste) Złoto usuwając karty z planszy i rośnij w siłę. Zwiększaj kombosy i zbieraj manę na Dzikie Karty, aby tworzyć je jeszcze większe!

Zwiedzaj świat Duszków (/Wróżek), ponad 40 lokalizacji, 360 unikalnych kompozycji, opiekuje się 32 zwierzątkami, ewoluuj i kolekcjonuj je!

Faerie Solitaire Harvest w założeniach rozgrywki to klasyczny pasjans, w którym łączysz dwie identyczne karty, aby móc je zdjąć z planszy. Król z Królem, As z Asem, itd. Nie pozwól jednak zwieść się pozornej prostocie, pasjans to gra wymagająca strategicznego podejścia i odrobiny szczęścia. Faerie Solitaire Harvest jest stworzona, aby dostarczać rozrywki niezależnie od Twojego sposobu gry. Jeśli kiedykolwiek próbowałeś swoich sił w pasjansie i żadna gra Cię nie urzekła, pozwól Faerie Solitaire Harvest zostać tą, która zmieni Twoje zdanie i nie pozwoli Ci od siebie odejść!

40 lokacji z cudownymi, ręcznie malowanymi obrazami
360 ręcznie stworzonych kart
32 zwierzątka do kolekcji z własnymi historyjkami, a każde z nich może ewoluuować
Przygoda, w której uratujesz Duszki/Wróżki i poznasz nowych przyjaciół
Szybką Gra, aby cieszyć się raz jeszcze odwiedzonymi lokacjami i zdobyć dodatkowe nagrody
Nowa Gra +, gdzie zdobędziesz jeszcze lepsze nagrody
40+ osiągnięć do zdobycia
Odpowiednio wyważona dawka odprężającej rozrywki i wymagających wyzwań
Dla wszystkich, w każdym wieku

Best regards!


Thank you @Pawel here is Polish store text up!

It is good to change things to what native gamers would more likely expect. I went with ‘Wróżki’ since it does seem like the idea is closer and it also seems to change the context of the usage of Duszków?

624 wishlists, 38 days until Easter, 15.6% toward goal.

I’m grateful that FSH got a mention in the latest Defold Newsletter!

Here are all of the languages added now for the store text and other options possible:




Here’s a list of all of the top wishlisted coming soon games on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/search/?filter=popularwishlist FSH isn’t on that list on any of the pages so safe to assume all of those games have many more wishlists, which gives you an idea of how many are needed to even break into the list!

These are probably “net new” and not “total over time” so it’s a recent popularity contest (due to data from devs who are listed as coming soon, have a ton of saved upwishlists, but are currently getting very few and not showing up on the list either). To give you an idea of how many wishlists these probably have… between 50-500k with many thousands added every day and the top ones most likely having millions saved up. The most FSH got in a day was on day 1 of being live it got around ~100. We still have marketing plans to try to boost it though so maybe with a ton of luck the game can at least break into this list for a day or two on one of the last pages. :slight_smile:

The single largest factor for games on Steam to be successful without a real marketing budget is for them to have a strong network effect with other games. If another game gets successful / spike in traffic and Steam thinks your game is similar then your game gets a boost too.

So if multiple devs are making similar games they are feeding into each other in sub-markets on Steam. Not necessarily competing with each other or even competing with other unrelated games on Steam. If another game like yours is a hit that’s the random factor.

Wishlists seem to be a compounding effect. If your game has lots of wishlists Steam will promote it more on “like this” which gets you even more wishlists until it snowballs. So games with lots of wishlists get priority in “like this” on Steam with similar tags / owner libraries.

That sort of means if your game is the leader in a niche you’re not going to get a ton of direct benefit from other games if few others are major hits. But they will probably continue to ensure your game is a leader in the niche which is meaningful over the long term.

Just because you get a ton of wishlists doesn’t mean they all go away at release. Only some (about 10% on average it seems) convert to sales! Steam probably keeps promoting the “big wishlist” games on “like this” still if wishlists really do impact that priority so those unconverted wishlists still have value. Maybe it’s the recent wishlist count that is actually used.


It’s great! :smiley: I didn’t mention that I put Pure (Czyste) Gold in brackets since I find it too much, gold is gold, but if Pure Gold is the name for game’s currency and it’s not only Gold, then remove brackets around ‘Czyste’. There is also a typo: ‘opiekuje się 32 zwierzątkami’ - it should be just ‘opiekuj się’.
I would use ‘Wróżki’ too :wink:

It’s overwhelming how huge those numbers must be to get into those pages. Though, I hope you will be able to get into them! :smiley: Keeping my fingers crossed!

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Made those changes on the live page! Thank you!

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Let’s try to connect followers with wishlists.

FSH - 104 followers and 624 wishlists (about 17%). My stats - 28%, so let’s assume it’s about 20%.

Now look at the top:
Sekiro, 148 604 followers and approx 743k wishlists… huh

page 8 - Love Money Rock’n’Roll , 37 982 followers, 190k

but Boyfriend Dungeon has only 2 580 followers and it’s still higher than Love Money Rock’n’Roll …

so i’m a bit confused here. I believe Steam counts the speed of acquiring new wishlists here, not just the total number.


Have you considered any crowdfunding campaign (Kickstarter, indiegogo)?
Not for money but to get audience.


Problem is still reaching the true core of the casual audience. The people who play these kinds of games as their primary games do not network as gamers like core or midcore gamers do (there are communities but they are tiny compared to core gaming ones). I’ve thought about like maybe marketing on adjacent hobbies like quilting, gardening, cooking communities would work because those do actually have strong networking and seemingly way more traffic but it’s still not perfect because a lot of people don’t have PCs these days it’s mostly core gamers while everyone else has phones and tablets and consoles.

Maybe with a future game that is not super casual and is at least somewhat midcore like in the zone of Plants vs Zombies. Then maybe there can be more spread especially with youtube/twitch content. If you look at twitch the closest thing to popular casual content is probably slot, but that’s also a completely different market. Gamblers gamble and that’s it they’re only interested in gambling. But there are midcore games which do well and can be fun for variety streamers. Something like FSH is fun for its audience but probably not a fun game to watch. :slight_smile:

If Defold announces Switch support we could do a kickstarter just to pay for dev kits and some bonus content maybe. But still it’s tough, probably best use for future games where more audience is still built up.

We do have a pretty big relative ownership base with the first FS on Steam but the problem is Valve gives devs no reliable way to reach them (I still need to update the game and include an in game link to the Steam page for FSH and that should make an impact in getting attention but that would still only reach people who open the game still which is not massive). There are ways to do it such as with coupons but it’s still at the mercy of Valve being willing to set it up.

Mobile version is planned once Steam version is live we just want all focus on Steam right now.


638 wishlists. 37 days until Easter. 15.9% toward goal.

Today I added an in game link to our FS Classic game for the FSH store page. I would expect before release date it adds another 500 wishlists optimistically 200 pessimistically. The version I added it in gets less gameplay time these days vs the remastered version.

Puppygames will be sending a newsletter promoting it soon so hopefully that helps with the numbers! :slight_smile:


Here’s Czech for you:

Kombinujte karty, zachraňujte víly a vychovávejte magické mazlíčky při objevování mnoha rozsáhlých kouzelných světů Faerie Solitaire Harvest!

Za odstranění karet si vyděláte zlato, které vám pomůže na vaší cestě. Využívejte komba a sbíráním many získejte herní výhody použitím divokých karet.

Procestujte svět víl se 40 lokacemi, 360 unikátními uspořádáními a sbírejte 32 mazlíčků, kteří se vám mohou vylíhnout a postupně se vyvíjet!

Faerie Solitaire Harvest je karetní hrou pro jednoho, ve které musíte spojit dvě karty stejné hodnoty, abyste je odstranili ze stolu. Král s králem, eso s esem a tak dále. Nenechte se ale zmýlit zdánlivou jednoduchostí. K úspěchu budete potřebovat strategické schopnosti i trochu toho štěstí. Hra je vymyšlena tak, aby byla zábavnou ať už ji budete hrát jakkoliv.

Pokud jste už podobné hry hráli a neudělaly na vás dojem, věřte, že Faerie Solitaire Harvest váš názor dokáže změnit!

:star: 40 lokací s nádhernými ručně malovanými pozadími

:star: 360 pečlivě vymyšlených uspořádání karet

:star: 32 mazlíčků s možností vývoje a vlastním příběhem

:star: Dobrodružný mód, ve kterém zachraňujete víly a potkáváte nové přátelé

:star: Rychlá hra – vraťte se k minulým lokacím a získejte extra odměny

:star: Mód Nová hra + nabízející ještě větší odměny

:star: Přes 40 achievementů k odemknutí

:star: Ten pravý mix uvolněné zábavy a výzvy

:star: Vhodné pro všechny věkové kategorie


Thank you @Klear Czech store text is up now!

Coverage so far!

2019-03-15%2017_03_08-Store_%20Faerie%20Solitaire%20Harvest%20(%20348910%20) 2019-03-15%2017_03_01-Store_%20Faerie%20Solitaire%20Harvest%20(%20348910%20)

The first Puppygames newsletter is sent… we’re hoping it will at least add a few hundred wishlists, best case scenario double what we have. Puppygames is usually “retro chic arcade” with a very specific style so them becoming a publisher and taking on something new may or may not impress their existing audience. A few newsletters will be sent before release.


As I turned the computer off, I realized what can be improved in the translation. Can you replace “použitím divokých karet.” with “nákupem žolíků”?

I was inspired by pawel.jarosz21’s idea of translating “Wild Shards” as “Wild Cards”, but I forgot that the literal translation feels awkward in Czech. Žolík (Joker) is a much better word for this, even in figurative sense.

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Calling them Wild Cards in other languages is fine because they are that too. Maybe some context would help. They are wild cards in the game, but they are also a material in the lore of the game’s world. The Wild Shards are made from kinetic mana and are like small wish makers. You want a shard to be candy it’s candy, you want it to be gold it’s gold, you want it to be lava and you burn your hand. They don’t have the proper assets shown in game yet and the lore cards are not live yet so the context is missing.

Big relative spike in wishlists! I’m very sure this is mostly due to the Puppygames newsletter. Probably not the in game link added to FS although that should be a steady trickle over the long term while this is a short term boost. I can’t give stats on the newsletter numbers unfortunately.

Here’s the newsletter

@Axel can you share click stats for the FSH image on the Defold newsletter?

We’ll probably self-publish on mobile (and the game probably won’t be super high on any charts) but a publisher on mobile for this game would be cool too just to see how it can be like. Current plan is to probably update it for a few weeks and then move on to next game with FSH more or less finished as project unless by some miracle it hits. For the next game, we’ll try to have its coming soon page up much longer so it can accumulate a larger number of wishlists before release.

747 wishlists. 36 days until Easter. 18.67% toward goal.


!!! 362 in a day a new record!! This is probably mostly from the Puppygames newsletter. We’ll know over the next two weeks how much of an impact putting a link to FSH Steam page in original FS has since whatever impact newsletter had should taper off.

1,113 wishlists. 35 days until Easter. 27.82% toward goal.

We’re still doing more polish and working on new meta-game mechanics. The list of stuff to do before release is still pretty long but it’s mostly a lot of little tasks.

We still don’t know what to do about SteamOS. There is still an issue with Discord extension making Win7 builds not functional (process does not close properly). I don’t want to take the Discord rich extension out of all builds though. Most other major issues have been solve I think.


A lot of search suggestions, I wonder what people are searching in Steam… It’s a pity Valve doesn’t provide this data. I tried and FSH was shown on “harvest” and any “soli…”. So the name is really important (e.g. I get 10 times less search suggestions from Steam)