Faerie Solitaire Harvest

Yes! Community here is great!

A near future build will allow setting the card value colors for people who are colorblind since these colors are important for combos.

533 wishlists, 41 days until release. 13.3% toward goal.



I re-submitted on the 8th and it got reviewed on the 11th after the weekend so Valve is consistently reviewing quickly right now it seems.

We will still hopefully fix the SteamOS issue. I have some testers I still need to send test builds so we can narrow down which extension is causing the crash at launch issue on SteamOS.


Interesting. Can you share the full table? There are pretty much impressions but click rate is low.


Italian store page text up thanks to a fan SwAlL!


Ok, I see few problems here.

  1. It looks like your capsules work not so good. Maybe to do some A\B testing with different images, especially with small ones (search results, etc). Add pets or fancy cards or something.
  2. Add more tags and ask people to confirm these tags, so your game will get more traffic from Tag Page.

You are for sure right about the capsule image, it is only the logo right now. I will prioritize a character/pets on it soon.

I’ll ask people to tag the game more soon too.


599 wishlists. 39 days until release. 14.9% toward goal.

We’ve been working on bug fixes, polish. Then we will focus on last content and meta game mechanics left to go live. Near future promotion efforts will be a new hype trailer.

I asked people to add/confirm tags. Still need to fix capsule image.


perhaps we can talk @Axel into doing an email blast :wink:
Haven’t done the newsletter in a while… so…


Here’s the Dutch version

Match kaarten, red feeën en voed magische huisdieren op terwijl je de vele en enorm betoverde werelden van Faerie Solitaire Harvest verkent!

Verdien goud door kaarten te matchen en je avontuur te bevorderen. Verbeter je combo en bereik verbazingwekkende solitaire matching werelden door mana te verzamelen voor Wild Shards.

Bezoek de feeën wereld met 40 verschillende omgevingen, 360 unieke lay-outs en 32 huisdieren om te verzamelen, uit te laten komen en te evolueren!

Faerie Solitaire Harvest is een match-2 solitaire kaartspel. Dit betekent dat je twee kaarten van dezelfde waarde moet combineren om ze van het bord te verwijderen. Koning met een Koning, Aas met een Aas en ga zo maar door. Laat je niet misleiden door hoe simpel het lijkt, want er zit veel diepgang, strategie en geluk in dit spel. Faerie Solitaire Harvest is ontworpen om leuk te zijn, hoe je het ook speelt.

Als je eerder match-2 solitaires hebt gespeeld en niet onder de indruk was, laat Faerie Solitaire Harvest dan hét spel zijn om je van gedachten te veranderen over hoe goed dit soort spel kan zijn.

:star: 40 omgevingen met prachtige handgetekende achtergronden
:star: 360 met de hand gemaakte speelvelden
:star: 32 huisdieren om te verzamelen, elk met een ontwikkeling en geschiedenis om te vertellen
:star: Avontuur modus waar je feeën moet redden en nieuwe vrienden maakt
:star: Quickplay-modus om locaties opnieuw te spelen en extra beloningen te verdienen
:star: Nieuw spel + modus met nog grotere beloningen
:star: 40+ prestaties om te verdienen
:star: De juiste mix van ontspanning, plezier en uitdaging
:star: Geschikt voor alle leeftijden


Thank you @amel Dutch store text is live now!


Here are Steam Cloud auto sync settings we are using. This setup should be cross platform so users can play the game on any computer and keep progress. But Linux has issues still because there doesn’t seem to be actual standards for where files should be that everyone has agreed to by this point.

New capsule images I will test out to see if they impact click through rates.


Maybe it should be “replace path” is on something like “.Faerie Solitaire Harvest” (with dot) in Add\Replace path? Also I can’t see description for LinuxXdgConfigHome in documentation, maybe just LinuxHome ?

Yes, I also agree on Ivan on this. The replace path should be “.Faerie Solitaire Harvest” in the Add\Replace path.

If you haven’t already, send out as many requests you can through Curator Connect so you start getting recommendations from Curators. For us this really boosted our wishlists pre-launch.


About the “replace path” from what I’ve read this is only necessary if you have a unique requirement per platform of where to place the files as far as I know. Like Unity seems to have unique subfolder differences if you use built in save/load per platform. For us it’s the same on every OS so it’s not necessary to change it. We put our game data under .config folder but

$XDG_CONFIG_HOME is the only thing that worked for us to get Steam to actually sync the files in ~/.config/Faerie Solitaire Harvest Defold I tried everything I could think of with other settings (for whatever reason). But unfortunately Steam sync doesn’t work of this isn’t defined. Did you try LinuxHome in your game and it worked?


Recently I was told we should put our saves in

$HOME/.local/share/Faerie Solitaire Harvest Defold

but I’m not sure if that’s a absolute standard either / will work with auto sync for the most people. Will have to test!

I’ll try this closer to release! Maybe 14 days until.

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As I can see on arch linux - defold saves files to ~/.name
What linux have you tried?

I modify the path to put it under .config similar to this.

	if M.sysinfo.system_name == "Linux" then
		-- For Linux we must modify the default path to make Linux users happy
		local appname = "config/" .. tostring(M.appname)
		return sys.get_save_file(appname, file)

I tested on Linux Mint, but also had a variety of testers and it wasn’t until I did the XDG_CONFIG_HOME thing on Steam that people began to say Steam Cloud sync on Linux was working.

This is how I have it set up (though, in all honesty, I didn’t get to test it yet):


The system requirements are in Japanese for me.

  1. I am not Japanese
  2. I have Japanese installed on my computer (but it isn’t the current language, also have Swedish and English installed).
  3. No other steam game is showing it in Japanese