Facebook instant profile image

hi, i have a question, the thing is i have a leaderboard in my project and i need to show the the player photo profile, i know i have the entries from the fbinstant.get_leaderboard_entries, and the url was in the json file, but i dont know how i transform the url in a image.

You can easily load an image into a gui node:

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I am making something similar to this (loading facebook profile photos for a leaderboard).

The photos load just fine, but I noticed that new calls to gui.set_new_texture/set_texture increases my draw calls to 2. So for a 10 player leaderboard, this means an additional 20 draw calls, which is too much I think? I am already heavily using layers to lessen the total # of draw calls (generally just 8-12 without leaderboard photos).

Is there a way to make this more efficient? I’ve searched the forum for a better approach, but I haven’t found anything yet.

Posting it here for those searching the forum who stumble upon the same issue.

Here’s something that looks workable: