Hi there, I believe Defold needs to centralize it’s export(Bundle) options. Right now there are a bunch of things all over the place.
So my idea is that when you click on the ‘Project’ option in the menu tab, instead of a bundle menu you would have access to the export window.
It would open up a new window, and from that window you can export to multiple platforms, all the options would be there(kinda like Unity’s build menu, but better ->). Also, options like excluding collections on export, excluding libs(parts of the engine), live updates, and any other options that right now may be in game.project, that are more export and not so ‘project’ related, and therefore deserve their own space.
That’s just a rough Idea, this concept started with me thinking that excluding collections(proxys) was an option that should be available at export time, with a list of all of them, so you can decide on that easily and click less. But then I realised we don’t really have a proper export menu, hence the suggestion.
I hope all of you who I’m sure are a lot more qualified than I am will chip in and expand upon it, making it better than what i described up above. But at any rate, i hope this gets people thinking and I hope it helps.
Thanks for reading.